Omega Dental Care Blog

Why Do I Get Cavities? An Introduction to Biofilm Imbalance

Dr. Ann Soberay on Google Scholar

Topics: Dental Bills, save money on dental bills, dental savings, total body health, dental disease, dental preventative products

More Tools for Dentists

Dr. Ann Soberay on Google Scholar

Topics: Eden Prairie dentist, Omega Dental, dental insurance, total body health, dental preventative products, functional orthodontic, tmj pain, functional orthodontics, myobrace, ALF orthodontics

Tongue-Tie and Why It Matters

Dr. Ann Soberay on Google Scholar

Topics: Omega Dental, dental preventative products, functional orthodontics, myobrace, ALF, ALF orthodontics

Better Oral Health

Dr. Ann Soberay on Google Scholar

Topics: Eden Prairie dentist, Omega Dental, save money on dental bills, dental savings, salivary testing, dental disease, dental preventative products, save money, diabetes, diabetes dentist, blood testing


Dr. Ann Soberay on Google Scholar

Topics: Eden Prairie dentist, dental insurance, Dental Bills, dental savings, diabetic, total body health, dental disease, dental preventative products, dental financial stress, save money, dental fees reduced, glucose, alzheimer's disease